You will stay at peace with yourself ...

We bigger ourselves up, 
but what really matters is the people 
(not family because they have been chosen for us, 
to teach & challenge us. 
So we may manage ourselves the best we can). 
The people or friends as we would call them - we choose on our journey long or short!! 
When we reach out to people & at times they are not 
Responding as you would hope ... Don't 
Take offence they are on a journey too and 
Have not realised who you are on their journey, 
Just Let Go & 
If or when they are ready they will respond! 
Remember in life we are all searching for 
Peace & Happiness Within Ourselves -
(Where are you looking for this or worse in whom!!) 
Make your flow easy ... 
Understand Yourself & 
Be Aware Others 
Life Can Have Its Twist & Turns But 
If You Are In The Right Mind 
You Will Stay At Peace With Yourself
