This Is For The Parents Out There


Single parents or couples your children mean the world to you !

You do your BEST to feed them your Values, as they grow up they hit their teens and want their own independences - at times the children turn out okay and sometimes they stray.

Remember you did your BEST - Do not make it about "you" i.e. where did I go wrong or worse it's my fault or partners fault!!

It's not about you, your children have their own path in life and their choices which they will experience as teens

The important thing to remember is don't enforce your options on to them if you do not agree with their choices.
This will push them away or suppress their emotions both which could cause disarray.

In stead show them LOVE, Understanding, give them their Space To Grow - with your presents not far ..... so if they need to they 'know' you are there.

Knowing & feeling this your child will feel less restricted or rebellious, give them time they will turn to you for support,  Love and Guidance

IT is never easy .....  but find the inner strength in yourself for your child

To LOVE is to remove the detachment that controls our manner of how we handle the people we care so much about!!

For a mother to release this control is probably one of the hardest thing they would ever have to do, but it will come back in 10 folds, trust in your inner strength it will reward you

Love with out tides
